A Dog's Best Friend
Oli Juste hosts a podcast about dogs. Health and behaviour experts, friends, artists, dog lovers and owners talk about dog training and behaviour, our dogs’ physical and mental health, rescue dogs, but also dogs in art, in culture, dogs at work and of course our own individual companions and their wonderful quirks. Expect to learn a few things whilst having fun and discovering new sides of the dog’s world.
A Dog's Best Friend
Ep 29 - Actor Jason Flemyng & His Rescue Dog Indiana
Oli welcomes actor and animal lover Jason Flemyng. They discuss his love of dogs and especially the wonderful bond he has with his Romanian rescue Indiana.
When Indiana arrived home, Jason was “desperate not to fail”, yet there were moments where he thought perhaps, he’d bitten more than he and his family could chew. Jason and Oli discuss the ups, the downs and everything in between. Jason also tells us more about his involvement with The Forward Trust, working in prisons and with ex-offenders, his own Podcast More Than My Past and the potential common denominator between the prison system and rescue centres.
For more info on The Forward Trus visit: https://www.forwardtrust.org.uk/
Jason's Podcast is https://morethanmypast.org.uk/podcast/
Amicii Dog Rescue: https://www.amiciidogrescue.org.uk/
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